the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

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Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


it's so funny; it's just sooo funny

Improv at Lindenwood. The only decent reason to attend the rediculous school. It was really good. My roommate Andrew was in it and Mr. Homosexual himself got a cameo. Andrew did a real nice job. He's porbably the best one out there. He going to go far. Right after the show he headed over to his girlfriend's house to take care of her. She got her wisdom teeth taken out and needs a helping hand. What a sweetheart...
Court and I are going on a fun day tomorrow. Lots of excitement in store. The mall to putt-putt and to a museum. Oooh lala. I promised Court I'd be in bed by midnight so here I go. Sorry this sucked. More later.


Blogger Heather said...

Yeah, Andrew's a real sweetheart...checking out other girls and all...

11:17 PM  

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