the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

My Photo
Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


Clive and Violet sitting in a tree

Court now calls me Clive and I her Violet. There is no reasoning behind it. Maybe it is because we aren't saticfied with eachother and have to pretend the other is someone else. Or maybe thats just me... just kiddin' Court.
I don't really have anything else to talk about. I've got to register classes tomorrow. It would be nice to get there early to ensure classage. This is not possible however. Stupid Psycho is having a test I can't get out of. Plus, I don't have the thing signed by my advisor. I do have the classes picked out though. I'm taking Piano I, Intro to Computer Science, Moral life, Mythology and Civilization, Electronic resource and comunication, and principles of financial accounting.
I also need to finish a paper that is due Thursday. After that I'm home free for my spring break woo, party in cancun!!
You might as well go read Heather's post now, unless you already have (we were writing them at the same time). If you already have that sucks for you. I don't want to go to bed. I want to be enveloped by happy heart-warming things, like music. I don't think I have any exciting news.


So, the weekend is over. I want it to come back. I had a fantastic time with all of you kids. My dear Christamafo, I am going to miss not geting to see you ever. I'm happy knowing that you are leaving me for God and not some girl though so keep up the good work. My equally dear Heaver, it was oh so wonderful to get to see you again. You will find a boy as good as me out there somewhere. I forgot to check your oil or take care of that other thing. I'm such a forgetful boy, please find it in you heart to forgive me. As alway My most dearest Court, I had a fun time with you this weekend as well and will see you later. Thank you for coming.
The only people that read this were with me in Columbia so I can skip the details of what went down. I wish it was weekend all the time and that I was with my closest friends all the time. Maybe next year I can go to MU, Truman, and Lindenwood at the same time and get to hang with everyone always. Tuition might be a little more that I would like it to be though. Oh, and then I could also go to culinary school. This is all for now. I've got to go to class. Maybe I'll blog again later.



I accidently made a website.
It is right here.
I don't know what I was thinking.
I'm just a copy cat.
I'm trying to learn flash.
There was a staple in my sharpy.
I went to the zoo the other day.
It was fun.
Heather, I haven't talked to you in a while.
Court, your CD is still over here.
I forgot how to type.
I'm eating Swedish Fish.
I don't mean to type like this.
None of my stuff has anything to do with anything else.
Is this hard to read?
No one seems to complain.
Court, I accidently ate all of you candy.
I don't have any homework.
That excites me.
It is kinda chilly here.
I'm going home this weekend.
Is anyone else?
Who thinks my pictures are better than Court's?
I don't.
Whose site is better?
Wes is going to move out.
I can't wait.
He's been hating me extra much lately.
Don't know why.
I've been nice.
A black girl talked to me today.
She likes me coat.
I have a lot of suicidal thoughts.
Very indepth ones.
I'm glad I haven't killed myself yet.
I think.