the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

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Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


It loaded.

It was 1:05 but now it's 1:30. I had written a beautiful blog about my most inner thoughts and what I really wanted out of life. It took me an hour to come up with the courage. It's all gone now though. I'll just have to write about stupid boring pointless things like usual. Ugh, I'm mad.
So, I only had one class today. I didn't have to go to english today and won't have to go till next Thursday because I have to write a three page double spaced paper, so class is canceled. The paper will take me ten minutes to write, not even joking. This whole not ever going to class and not ever having homework is actually killing me. I came to college hoping to get smart but I'm just as dumb as I was in high school. I still spend most of my day in front of the computer or the playstation. I need a job. That might help.
Court, can me and Heather make out? Just once, I never got to before and thought that if maybe I could convice her you would let me. It's just a thought.
I need to shave.
My flesh tastes good.
Flies like stuff that taste good.
I don't like hungry flies.
I joined a club to spite my demicratic roommate Chris.
I also got some peanut M&M's.
Blogger and I have something in common.
We hate eachothers guts.
I bought some Kool-aid and sugar.
Every flavor in the existance of Kool-aid contains a berry.
Minus orange.
...and mango.
My section of the dorm is the messiest.
I wear lotion.
It's all gone now.
It's amost two o'clock.
I've been spreading the piebald news.
Court doesn't want to show me her breasts.
I saw a boob today.
It was on a poster.
It was for sale outside of the lunch room.
There were lots of posters.
Court was there, she saw the boob too.
I go to a Presbiterian school that won't let us wear a hat inside the lunch room.
But outside of it they can sell boobs.
My school is dumb.
I'm getting tired.
I have nothing to do but sleep.
Except write this free verse poem.
Do you guys like my new style?
It cuts down on the blabbering.
I didn't sweep today.
Four hours of sweepin' tomorrow.


Blogger Heather said...

Look, Davey, I'm reading your blog first thing in the morning! Well, actually not FIRST thing, because I've been up for about two hours. But I had a class! And then I had to go talk to one of my professors! So I'm not a bad friend...

No, I will not make out with you! We've got Mr. Chlorophyll up going on about Lord knows what, and this guy's talking about makin' out with me!

Or something like that. I'm not good with movie quotes.

I want to hear all of your thoughts on life. You should write about them again when Blogger isn't mad at you. Or you could call me. Or I could call you. Or you could come visit me. I've been overly concerned with the fact that no one will ever want to visit me in Kirksville. I know it's boring, but the campus is so pretty! And we can always eat and watch movies and play CatchPhrase...That's all we ever did at home anyway. And there's a coffeehouse, but I've never been there, and I don't know how late it's open. There's not a Steak 'n' Shake, though.

I liked your boob story. It was funny. There were people selling posters outside of the library awhile back. They had some on display, and one of them was this huge picture of two girls in their underwear laying in bed and making out. I had to walk past it at least four times every day. Eww.

I'm done now.

8:09 AM  

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