the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

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Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


Travis Fudge, here?

That's right everybody the one and only Travis Fudge goes to my school. Not only that but he's in my Old Testament class. Who would have thought.... I know I didn't. It was weird though and I forgot to talk to him afterwards. I guess I'll have plenty of time this semester. Chris is watching another version of the Highlander movie. There are like 30 different cuts of each one (highlander 1, highlander 2, and highlander 3). He got this one in the mail yesterday. They made the special effects a little better and cut out some of the extra crappy dumb scenes. While he is watching this movie he is also memorizing his music for marching band. He's got 3 down and only 2 to go. I still don't even know how to play mine yet. He says he'll help me with it all tomorrow cause I only have one class to attend. My Fridays will be fun.

I stained the sink today with some nasty koolaid. It was only in the sink for like a second and now it is red. But it was sooo gross tasting. The koolaid, not the sink. It was Jamaica flavored nastyness. It was one of those crazy spanish ones. Mango flavored equals awesome though.

English class was dumb today. We spend the entire two hours talking about simple and complex sentences and the stupid teacher kept pronouncing it senence. I needed to shoot myself.

I saw Collateral with Court this evening. We had absolutly nothing at all to do. It was a good movie. Sorry I didn't get to see it with you Christamafo. He should have walked away after they left. That would have been sweet. I think I'm done now. Me and Wes are going to play with Legos.


Blogger Heather said...

Travis Fudge...I had a crush on him in 6th grade.

I never cease to horrify myself with my terrible taste in guys.

9:55 PM  

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