the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

My Photo
Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


twas the day after Christmas

and all through the house,
Everyone was sturring, I hope we don't have a mouse.
David's been working, it's time for a break,
He got on the computer to blog, for goodness sake,
The Ackermans are coming, that's my dad's side,
Actually, it's my mom's, I lied,
Heather's blog it freaked me out,
She's so obsessed with herself, I need to shout.
There is cooking in the kitchen and food in the oven,
Court and I had some nice Holiday lovin'...
Christmas was good, I didn't get a lot,
That's okay though, it will all break or rot,
Santa spells Satan when its letters are rearranged,
How convienant.



French TNT

My ever so darling girlfriend was ever so kind and gave me an early Christmas present last night, Napoleon Dynamite. That is such a wonderful fantastic amazing movie. I love it. I wish it could be me. Ugh, Lucky! Not much else is new. I've been a complete bum. I'm watching kill bill vol. 2 right now. Just started it, not looking forward to it. "Looked dead didn't I? Well, I wasn't."
I can't stand the way the dialog works in this film. I'm going to go present shopping today. Go me. Leave your name and number and present desired and I just might get it for you. Why is everyone obsessed with me getting my hair cut? "A moment ago I was playing my flute, this moment I'm looking at the most beautiful bride I've ever seen.""So you've got a bun in the oven?"
Boring. I need food. I'm out.


got bored, went with pink.


Civilization downfalls and rebirths

So since I've been home I've done nothing but play on my computer, eat (usually at my computer) and sleep. I'm such a loser. Get a life me! The game I've been playing is called Civilization III, hence the title.
It is so nice being back home. I like the lack of resposibility. I don't handle it well. I lost my wallet last night, but I found it. It was in the garage. I needed it to get a receipt so I could return my Hilary Duff DVD my roommate got me. I didn't return it. No time to go to the store, video games were calling. Actually, my lack of car was calling. My sister has it because she got a flat. I got her car with the spare. Now the spare tire is flat and the car is at Court's house. My mommy had to come rescue me from the cold, dark knight and night. He almost got me.
Um.... oh, Court and I's seventeen monthiversary. I drunk about a quart of egg nog and we watched White Christmas, the 1944 edition. Wee.... I liked the egg nog.
I found out that Piebald plays Halo 2, maybe I'll get to play with Travis...
I listen to too much music.
My lips chap a lot in the winter months.
I don't like ham but ate it anyway.
I want to make out with Heather.
A bunch of little girls came to my house and caroled at me, it was wonderful.
I haven't showered since Sunday morning.
I want Chris to come home and hang out with me.
I'm not excited about Christmas.
I never am.
A company yelled at me for having an illegal version of a virus scanner.
I hope they don't come and get me.
Scandisk found some bad sectors on my harddrive, that's not fun.
The pointlessness of my life doesn't end.
AJ changed his screen name to LoveConquersAll.
Courtney doesn't like the word Conquer.
Incubus sings a song and they say that.
Courtney makes me change it.
I like that song.
My teeth don't close right again, stupid braces.
I hope this was fun.


World record longest title ever to be blogged goes to me, right now as I title this post. I'd like to thank blogger for the chance to attempt such.

Thank you everyone for your much needed contributions to my make the longest title allotted organization.
Um, new things to post, new things to post. I took my Old Testi final today. 30 questions and a page long essay completed flawlessly in 30 minutes flat. That's right everyone I'm awesome. I just finished my final final. It was for my Software Apps. Painter course. I had to make 3 pictures, they were to be scenes from a story. I chose Christmas Vacation. I did the sled scene, the house lit up, and them getting the tree. Wonderful pieces of work they are. I also did some extra credit for the class. It isn't really anything just designs and shapes but it still looks cool.
I sat around all day. Watched Snatch, a wonderfully made movie and then packed everything except my toothbrush, my bed clothes, and tomorrows clothes. I'm ready to blow this joint.
After I packed I watched Aliens 3. I didn't like it much but it still has 26 minutes to redeem itself. Court called and I didn't get to finish it. It was time for dinner.
I had meatloaf and spaghetti for dinner, yuuuum yum. Then I went to the computer lab and made me drawrings.
In other news, my gay roommate Wes is one hundred percent convinced that I am gay. I'm really not sure why. I don't like men. Except for you Chris, but we're keeping that on the hush hush.
I finally got to build my cave in my dorm. We bunked a bunk bed over my desk, it is sweet. Everyone should envy me.
I'm heading out tomorrow shortly after two.
Andrew and number two, and maybe rob but not likely, are going to come down and visit me sometime over break.
It is almost time for Christmas.
I got a little something for Heather, too bad she isn't Jewish.
I'm done with this blog.


he does exist. they do exist.

thats right kids, I live once again. well, sort of. I'm here in my computer art class doing my final. well, I've finished it so I thought I'd communicate with you kids.
my shift key doesn't want to work so i'm not going to use it anymore. do you guys remember the m and m comercial with santa and they see each other...thats where i got my title, i get that stuck in my head sometimes...
i broke my monitor, that's why i haven't been on, i don't know if court ever got her blog to work to tell you kids that. i can explain it some other time. it is an imbarassing story...
not much has happened to me, court and i went to university city to the loop. i got a sweet coat from rags-o-rama. this is on sat. by the way. then we went to the gallaria, it's a mall. we walked around for a while then went to california pizza kitchen and then we got some cheese cake from the cheesecake factory. the cheesecake was yummy but i didn't really like the pizza. after that we went ice skating. that was lots of fun. i borrowed a scarf from wes and wore my new coat. this was court's first time to iceskate. it was outside and oh so romantic. we skated forever, holding hands, zooming by the millions of people that were there. weeeeee. I have to go pay attention to class now. I'll talk to everyone later.