the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

My Photo
Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


it's so funny; it's just sooo funny

Improv at Lindenwood. The only decent reason to attend the rediculous school. It was really good. My roommate Andrew was in it and Mr. Homosexual himself got a cameo. Andrew did a real nice job. He's porbably the best one out there. He going to go far. Right after the show he headed over to his girlfriend's house to take care of her. She got her wisdom teeth taken out and needs a helping hand. What a sweetheart...
Court and I are going on a fun day tomorrow. Lots of excitement in store. The mall to putt-putt and to a museum. Oooh lala. I promised Court I'd be in bed by midnight so here I go. Sorry this sucked. More later.


Pretty Faces

So I go to college now, again. I wasn't sure why I was here last time, but it servered some perpose. This time, however, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be here. I want to be a cook now. I can't see myself doing anything else at the moment. My parents will probably kill me when they find out this whole year will be a complete waste of money so I'm not sure what I will do. I need to call my new college, whose name I can't even pronounce, tomorrow and see if any of my credits will transfer. Ugh... I don't know. I feel sorry for Court. I want her to be happy. She finally let me get her a stuffed animal. She hates them and told me she would break up with me if I ever got her one. But as you all know she's been a little depressed lately and wanted something to sleep with. We headed out to the big Dubbyah and I got her a cute little lion and named him Wallace.
I don't know what else say. I forgot everything that happened.


Only Link can save us from the Anarchy

It is cold in the basement.
I live in the basement.
I can't feel my hands or feet.
Maybe I should put on a shirt.
My mom brought me home Subway.
I don't think she knows who I am.
I like turkey.
She got me roast beef.
I like ranch dressing.
I got honey mustard.
I like lettuce, black olives and onion.
I got lettuce and oregano.
At least I got Subway.
I have to go back to college soon.
I don't know what my future has in store.
I don't know what to store for my future.
Why don't I have any tallents?
I'm really not good at anything.
I'm just saticfactory at everything.
I learn real quick.
But forget even faster.
I am creative.
I cannot create.
I want to stab my router in its flashy lighted face.
Then, set it afire.
I play video games.
I hang out with Court.
Everyone hates me when I hang out with Court.
Court hates it when I play video games.
I go to Court's.
I'm still hungery,
Even though I ate.
I'd like some desert.

Ode to Court

I have the most beautiful girlfriend. She is smart, beautiful, intelligent, and pretty. She is not dumb nor is she ugly. I like her a lot. She is very nice and funny. Her jokes are so smart and witty, not corny at all. I will love her no matter what, even if she dated George Clooney. She deserves all the chocolate cake and foot massages in the world. I am the luckiest boy on Earth to have such a great girlfriend like Courtney. You all should bow down to her feet and kiss the ground she walks on and laugh at all of her jokes, not at her. She deserves to be complimented and told that she is smart, beautiful, intelligent, and don't forget, pretty. Do not call her dumb or ugly.

I am the luckiest boy on Earth!

Court Rocks!


No comments here

Since no one ever comments on my blog I've decided to get rid of commenting, in a faint hope that you won't appreciate it until it's gone. Take that lazies. Is it because I'm pink?
I'm sitting here in my boxers and a t-shirt, oh and a two pound leg weight on my left arm. I'm trying to get buff. I can already feel the burn. Who knew you could work out while you type? My pants are in the washing machine. I ran out. I think I'm missing a pair; don't know where it could have gotten off to. I just shaved and my face hurts more than normal, I couldn't find my orange capped shaving cream so I used the blue capped one. I think orange was sensitive skin. Blue was extra moisturizing. My face does feel softer, but it hurts. Maybe I could shave with both.
I don't really have anything exciting to say. I took my mommy to the airport yesterday at 7:30 in the a.m. She going to San Antonio for some Pampered Chef mind control session to get her real excited for about a week. I can't stop touching my face.


Don't bother reading this, it will suck

So yeah, I felt obligated to post but lo and behold, nothing to write about. I was a major "poopy pants" for New Years. For those of you who don't know what poopy pants are, it's not good. I was such a bum. I didn't want to do anything at all. I made everyone hate me and leave me. Everyone consisted of Heather and Courtney. Since I was a downer so they ran off with Justin, my younger brother. I didn't care though, I didn't want to see stupid fireworks. So I did exactly what I wanted to do, nothing. I sat around and stared at stuff for a long while and then went downstairs to see what the kids were doing. The kids consist of Larkin and AJ. I don't know why I refer to them the kids. I watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Seinfeld with them and slowly forgot I hated everything. About 15 till the new year I gave Court a call on her smellular. I got to listen to Elvis sing a couple of songs and then it was new years time and I mockingly counted down. I didn't care. Then the other side of the telephoning was bombarded with noises that crippled me so I said it was time to go and hung up.
So that was my new years, wooo.....2005.... yup. yup. The previous two yups were written because I don't have anything else to say.
I had some crazy dreams last night. One was like this German porn and the guys penis was like 2 feet long, it was really gross. I had another one where I was at some summer camp thing and some huge guy was picking a fight with me by a swimming pool, I don't remember why, but my uncle Tim and my dad stepped up to make him back down. Then all of the sudden my uncle Tim whispered "run." apparently the dude who was picking on me was in the Mafia or something and he had called for back up so I ran. I'd never run so hard in my life. The building I was running through was like the Y. I made it through the front door but knew that was where the Mafia was going to be coming through so I was going to pretend to be sitting on bench like I didn't know what was going and wait for them to pass me and then split. Unfortunately, as I approached the seat the Mafia guys would have seen me sit down and I would have been breathing heavily so I hid behind the door like half of a second before they approached it. Then I woke up frightened. It was weird. I don't remember waking up in the same state as my dream. I had a third dream but I don't remember it at all anymore.
I went to bed at 7 this morning and woke up at 2. It was weird. I think I'm done.