the never ending pointlessness of a boy's life

a sorry attempt to express the inner depths of my enigmatical mind. enjoy.

My Photo
Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I'm 20. I am 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I am a boy. I am going to college. It is in St. Charles. I am going to major in multimedia design. That means I get to play with pictures on Adobe Photoshop. Fun Fun. More to come when I get creative.


Tom Hanks' my dad.

After seeing so many Tom Hanks' movies I have begun to believe he is my dad. On Friday Court made me rent and watch The Ladykillers and then on Sat we saw The Terminal at the Palace. TH overload folks. He's a good actor and all but one can only take so much.
Court is still the coolest person in the world though. She bought me a CD. Not just any CD, a wonderful amazing incredible CD. Travis Shettel, the lead singer from Piebald that I idolize, made a CD a few years ago called Totally Travis y Las Marianas. It's just him, and his guitar rockin it out. It was a pretty cheaply created CD. Not much effort went into the mix and master session. Thats the part where they edit the volume of his voice and guitar and bassoon and stuff, but it is still an increbible CD. I love it and I love her.
I went home this weekend, Court came with. We had fun. I celebrated my dad's birthday, which I forgot... I didn't forget when his birthday was, just that it was that day. I felt bad. He didn't seem to mind though. Not much else happened in springfield. I washed my clothes. Every single item I owned was dirty. I bored of writing and would like to get some sleep so I'll end this short little blogatron. Have a nice day. Oh, and Heather, don't forget to call me about our make-out session, I mean, visit to St. Louis.


Best Buy

Guess who might finally get a jeeeaarrrb. That's right, the one and only me. Just two more interviews and a drug test and i'm in. They called me today and I went down there and I talked to a guy named Steve. He wanted me in the car audio but I didn't know anything about it. He said that was okay and was going to let me do it anyway but then he found out I was good with computers. He called the computer guy over to see if he was looking for work and it just so happened he was. Hurray. So I did the exact same interview with the new guy Shawn. I guess I did okay because I get to come back tomorrow and do an interview with his boss. Then if I pass that one it's on to round three: General Manager, followed by the all powerful life controlling drug test. BUM BUM BUUUUMMMM. I hope I get this job I need it. I needed it much more last week when I only had 16 dollars left in my account. My mom finally gave me some money. She owed it to me, it wasn't charity. Really, it wasn't. Um, not much else happened today. Heather still won't make out with me, I haven't given up though. She'll crack, she always does...
It's one and roommate andrew is going running, I don't think he sleeps. He was up at 5 the other night watching tv. Weirdo. I found out that he was southern-Baptist today, that's pretty sweet. He's fun. Um, it's kinda late so I think I'm going to go to bed soon. Might play another game of Zuma first though. NO CLASS TILL 1! Peace out.


Life is waiting for you

I'm listening to Our Lady Peace at the moment and thats what he's singing. I disagree with it however. Life doesn't wait for you. It'll pass you by any chance it gets. Um... thats all I got, I don't feel insitful (thats the word right) at the moment. I'm kind of in a writers slump. I don't have anything to say. I guess I usually write about nothing but i'm not even inspired to do that. Um, don't ever go to the St. Andrews Cine. It sucks my bum. Don't see Dodgeball either. It was awful, horrible, terrible. So dumb! I spent all of the money in my bank account. Hurray. I cleaned up my area in my dorm. I drew a picture of a table with cylendrical objects on it. That was boring. Went to the park again today. It was as fun as always, we brought two blankets this time so that I would fit. I think thats all the news I have. I'm sorry this is so boring. I don't know whats wrong with me.


It loaded.

It was 1:05 but now it's 1:30. I had written a beautiful blog about my most inner thoughts and what I really wanted out of life. It took me an hour to come up with the courage. It's all gone now though. I'll just have to write about stupid boring pointless things like usual. Ugh, I'm mad.
So, I only had one class today. I didn't have to go to english today and won't have to go till next Thursday because I have to write a three page double spaced paper, so class is canceled. The paper will take me ten minutes to write, not even joking. This whole not ever going to class and not ever having homework is actually killing me. I came to college hoping to get smart but I'm just as dumb as I was in high school. I still spend most of my day in front of the computer or the playstation. I need a job. That might help.
Court, can me and Heather make out? Just once, I never got to before and thought that if maybe I could convice her you would let me. It's just a thought.
I need to shave.
My flesh tastes good.
Flies like stuff that taste good.
I don't like hungry flies.
I joined a club to spite my demicratic roommate Chris.
I also got some peanut M&M's.
Blogger and I have something in common.
We hate eachothers guts.
I bought some Kool-aid and sugar.
Every flavor in the existance of Kool-aid contains a berry.
Minus orange.
...and mango.
My section of the dorm is the messiest.
I wear lotion.
It's all gone now.
It's amost two o'clock.
I've been spreading the piebald news.
Court doesn't want to show me her breasts.
I saw a boob today.
It was on a poster.
It was for sale outside of the lunch room.
There were lots of posters.
Court was there, she saw the boob too.
I go to a Presbiterian school that won't let us wear a hat inside the lunch room.
But outside of it they can sell boobs.
My school is dumb.
I'm getting tired.
I have nothing to do but sleep.
Except write this free verse poem.
Do you guys like my new style?
It cuts down on the blabbering.
I didn't sweep today.
Four hours of sweepin' tomorrow.



It's time for bed but Heather is blogging. I can't wait to see what she has to say.

Dinner Time

I just had dinner. MMM, pizza and french fries. I think I've eaten that before, oh yeah, thats right, lunch. The amazing lunches that I was promised have yet to show up. Maybe it is because I'm a picky eater or maybe other people don't know what is worthy of being called good. Ground dog stewed in maggot parts and catsup and poured onto a piece of bread is one of those unworty foods. Courtney ate that.
I ate lunch with my friend Jeff. He is in all of my Tuesday/Thursday classes. All being both. We like the same kind of music and since neither of us talk much we get along just fine. Courtney didn't eat lunch with me today. I called and left her a message that I was going to eat. She called me back as I was in like waiting for my pizza. She didn't want to come to lunch because I didn't wait for her. I didn't even have any food yet! That made me mad at her and hurt my feelings. It's not like I had a choice to wait for her or not anyway. I've got 45 minutes between class to eat. Thats not a lot of time, especially when I still had some homework to attend to thanks to Heather and Chris and thier little predicement. Stayed up all night with them and didn't get to do all of my readings. Anyway, at lunch with Jeff a Junior with a Less Than Jake (punk/ska band) shirt on sat down with us. We talked about music and other fun stuff. It was good to get away from all the hip-hop and rap crap everyone else talks about and listens to. I hope I get to talk to him again.
Yesterday was Court and I's fourteenmonthiversary. We didn't really do anything spectacular. Me being the 60 some dollars in the bank guy, we went to McDonalds. She paid. I'm such a loser. We had to hurry because she needed to take some pictures for her photography class and it was getting dark. It got dark, we didn't get to take any pictures but me, being the jeanyus I am, said we could take pictures at Wal*mart. So we did. It was fun. I got to hold a Care-bear. After we were done with the pictures we went to the darkroom. We didn't get to make out in there or nothin, too many people. That was a drag, developing film yourself takes forever. If I ever have the oppertunity to pick I'll just give it to Wal*mart. After like 6 hours it was finally over, guess what we did next, thats right, we sat in my car. Hurray for the car. Overall the evening was nice and fun. I didn't mind all the stuff we did. It is just fun to spend time with Court. I think that is all the excitement in my life at the moment. If more arises don't worry, I'll let you know.


Weekend Review

Weekend =ed fun.
Courtney+Heather+Chris+I/48h(Art-Science)=Weekend of enjoyment

That was today's math lesson. Take notes, memorize, and replay on a future weekend. You can come up with new activities though. Don't foget to do your homework.
So, if you didn't figure out the math problems, I enjoyed the weekend. Heather and Chris are so much fun. I wish I could keep them both here with me. They showed up at 9:30 in the p.m. on Friday. Only two and a half hours after they were supposed to. Thanks for that Heather. Anyway, we went to the steak and shake like old times. My roomate chris was there. He was fun. So was everyone else. We went back to our dorms, got some movies and a laptop and then we went and watched the tick, the actor and actress version. It was funny. Then we went our seperate ways. Me and Chris stayed up late and played Lord of the Rings Return of the King until we couldn't beat anymore levels. Then we went to bed. The following morning we arose and got back together and went to McAlisters. We ate there then headed for the Science Center. Fun times continued. Then david got bored of typing. We went to the art museum. It was cool. I didn't ever almost cry though, except when I was the mideval swords. Those things were awesome. They were bigger than me and only weighed like 6 pounds. I wanted to play with it. MMM swords. Then we got kicked out because it was closing time. Places shoudlnt close at 5. Thats dumb. So we went to P.F. Chang's. It was good. A wee bit pricy for my small college bank account. We went home. Went to bed. We went to chuch in the morn. That was fun. It was much better than the last time I was there when they had the guest speakers. After church we went to McDonalds to make up for last night. We took it to the park and had a picnic. Me and Chris and later Heather and even later Court played catch with a wiffle ball i found in the parking lot of McDonalds. It was fun. We thew it around Heather because she didn't like it. Why is she so much fun to annoy? The world may never know. Then we went back to campus, Chris and Heather packed their things and headed out. Court and I were parched like birds so we went in search for a Sonic. Two hours later we found the one we were looking for. It was so good. I got a water and a 44oz Strawberry Limeade slushy. MMM. We took it back to the park where we took a nap. We went back home and did some homework. Court informed me online that I had her cell phone so she came over to get it. We sat on the porch for a while then when the bugs came to get us we headed to my car. We talked about how much we liked eachother and what kind of future we had in store. It was a bonding conversation. We figured some things out about each other. It was an all in all good time. Then it was time for bed so we went our seperate ways. I talked to Heather for a long time online. I like the little girl. Then I went to bed. Nothing exciting has happened yet today. I've gotta sweep again though. I always sweep and the rooms are always dirty, it's gross. I'm going to go now. I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend.


Computer Lab Time

I'm in the computer lab right now. I'm waiting for one o'clock so that I can get a package from the mailman. Court is trying to figure out ebscohost. It's taking her a little longer than most. That's okay though, it's not one o'clock for about another minute. Plenty of time right? I have four hours of sweeping ahead of me. I'm tired. I should have taken a nap instead of playing video games. I think I'll take one after I sweep. That will feel nice. MMMM sleep. First I'll sweep then I'll sleep. No one should peek, I'M NAKED!! OKay, so I might have a mental handicap.

Nothing exciting happening right now. Um... yeah. I'm just wasting time as Court searches the internet. I had breakfast today. I forgot about breakfast. All those sweets so early in the morning. It makes me feel gross. I hate scrambled eggs. They didn't have any but I don't like them anyway. I feel sorry for the people that are going to read all of this. You just wasted your life. How sad you are. I think I'll go check the ole mail now. Have a good day.


It won't be long now.

Chris and Heather are coming to my home. The excitement dwellith within me. I just saw Heather last weekend but I haven't seen Chris in forever. He is a great kid. I want to see and talk to him. We have shared some good times in the past, perhaps more lie ahead.

I have to get up at 9 tomorrow even though I don't have class. Court wants us to eat breakfast. This will be the first time I'll have eaten breakfast since I've been here. I've been staying up too late. Stayed up too late tonight too, oh well, what can you do?

I finally aplied for a job. Best Buy here I come. I think I might actually have a chance. Family friend's inside working magic.

I've got 4 hours of sweeping and mopping ahead of me tomorrow. I shouldn't have skipped Monday's. Oh well, what can you do? I keep saying that I'll stop.

I did laundry again today. Court and I, that is. It was fun, just like last time. There was a girl there that used her mother's makeup on her face. She looked like a cat. It was goofy. I think I washed a 10 dollar rebate, muh bayad... I'm hungry, remind me not to eat at 5 anymore. Food doesn't last long. I need to brush my teeth too. Breath is gross tasting. Good thing I'm going to bed and not to a hot date. Vanessa says I'm just an ordinary boy. So I'll go to bed.


Blogger can suck my big toe

This stupid thing. I hate it with a nice sized passion. All the other sites load albeit a we bit slow, but this one takes for-stinkin'-ever! And my last post didn't work. I don't even remember what it said. It's just dumb and I hate it. I think I'm never going to post again. Especially if this one doesn't work. I guess if it doesn't work nobody will know how much I hate it. I'll just call everyone up and tell them. Stab!
It's Thursday morning now. Time flies. I need more hours durring the day. There are too many entertaining things to do durring the day. Classes, work and learn, homework (should it be dormwork?) video games, computer games, board games, card games, and we musn't forget group oriented games. I like games and I don't like to sleep, but I need sleep and not games, the irony that I am cursed with, what is a boy to do.
I had a great time w/ Court last weekend. I think that was what my last blog (THAT DIDN'T WORK) was about. I don't really remember what happened anymore. Ummm... yeah.
Today, today What did I do today? Absolutly nothing of interest. Oh, wait, I went to see a movie. Basket something...oh yeah, wicker park. It was an okay movie, it kinda drug on and you were like "just get to the point" The brown haired girl was cute, a little to pscho though. She would have been fun though. Especially on the couch. he he. It wasn't nearly as good as Garden State. See that one instead. Chris went to bed so I think I should too. This had better work or I will break something.


There and back again: a hobbit's tale


Springfield, here I come.

It is sad, but true. I am driving all the way back to Springfield just so me and Court can have some alone time. Some might think this is extreme but when you go from living less than 1 minute away and getting to see each other everyday to living three minutes away but never getting to be alone whether to talk or, you know kiss a little, it really is hard. We have to hang out in my car. We don't ever get to touch each other in any manor or fashion, except hold hands and that can only be so fun. I am also going home because I have a dentist appt. Saturday morning. Whoopee. I'll be taking requests on color combos, you can just leave a comment aboot that.
In other news, I dropped band today. Mr. Alsobrook was really mad at me. He tried to guilt trip me into staying. He was all like "It's not yourself you are hurting it's the entire band" and "You are making the entire show suck because of the hole you are going to leave in it." But I was on the end almost the entire drill. He is such a jerk. Whats worse is that I have to see him again to get a different paper signed and give him his trombone back. I'm going to be glad to rid myself of it. Marching band really stressed me out. I think this was the first time I've been seriously stressed out. All I have to say is good riddance to bad trash. Also, I don't have to get up at 6 o'clock on Sat. to set the stupid thing up. Mr. Alsobrook I strongly dislike you.
I took Court to the Hobby Lobby again today, this was the third time I'd been there since I arive at St. Charles. Why all the trips you ask? I just needed 2 black conte crayons. The first time I went I bought some huge paper and an eraser but the crayons were sold out. I went to class w/o them and got in a little bit of trouble. I then went on Monday. They were still sold out but I found out that they were getting some in the shipment coming on Wednesday (today). So, tonight we went, got there at 8'05, guess what time it closed, that's right, 8. How stupid! Who closes at 8?? So we went to Best Buy and bought the Garden State soundtrack. It's nice. I like that kind of music sometime. Court then took me to Dairy Queen and bought me a blizzard. It was yummy, thanks Court. I spent the rest of the evening in the car in the parking lot with Court. We listened to the CD and reclined the seats. What a sad sad world it is for us.
My roomate Chris got to go on a date tonight. He was excited. It did't go to well, he was home my 9:30. I feel sorry for him, he's a great guy. He also got sick and vomited repeatedly in the toilet. He informed me that the butter on movie popcorn makes him sick. Porble tomato. It's just me and him here in the dorm, it's almost one o'clock. I just made some pineapple koolade and then poured it down the sink, it was growdy(that means bad). I'll just thirst to death. I'd quit rambling and go to bed but i don't have to get up until 10:30 and I'd get too much sleep. Dang it, Chris went to bed. I don't want my typing to bother him. Oh, I just remembered something I did this evening, I played the lord of the rings video game and sucked at it. That's right, there is a video game out there that David didn't master in a few minutes. Don't worry though, I don't have any classes on Friday and will persue perfection then. So long.